“Alone we can do so little together we can do so much.”
This summer Big Dog Ranch Rescue took to the road to save 100 dogs. The result? 261 dogs from multiple shelters got their freedom ride and we had the chance to speak to the people who are doing the hard work in rural parts of Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas.
For 4th of July we decided the best way to celebrate was to give FREEDOM to as many deserving lives as possible. Our community rallied behind us to raise over $50,000 to bring back precious heartbeats and educate rural shelters on how to fundraise and implement sterilization programs along the way. All along the journey we shared the stories of these shelters and the challenges they face daily with pet overpopulation.
This trip not only SAVES the precious lives who got their freedom ride, but hopefully empowers these rural shelters with tools and resources to slow pet overpopulation.
To see the many sweet, furry faces who found their new forever home watch out recap video below!