Three years ago, Big Dog Ranch Rescue received a call from Puerto Rico from a group called El Foster Club. Thousands of people were fleeing the islands because of the hurricanes and leaving their dogs in the streets, at shelters, and with family members. El Foster Club could not pair dogs with fosters fast enough and the need had surpassed their capabilities. Big Dog Ranch Rescue was able to help by fundraising to get dogs off the island through cargo planes and as passengers on flights.
This one call changed our perspective on rescue and sine then we have worked closely with El Foster Club, Barks of Hope, El Faro, and other private fosters in Puerto Rico to save more lives and get them adopted. To date, we have helped rescue over 8,000 dogs alongside our island partners.
In mid-September of 2020 a small team from Big Dog Ranch Rescue traveled to Puerto Rico to meet with one of the rescues on the island, Santuario Canita. It is run by a dedicated woman named Carmen and a small team of about five who work tirelessly for the dogs. We have helped transport dogs from here before, but this trip something was different. Again, the need had surpassed her capabilities and she was overrun with over 800 dogs.
In advance of hurricane season and with people fleeing the island due to COVID-19, many dogs were left abandoned in the streets. Some are lucky enough to be found by Good Samaritans like Carmen and less fortunate dogs live in the woods, are hit by cars, or in the case of one sweet soul found by a cruel group of people who thought it would be fun to chop his tail off.
Big Dog Ranch Rescue made the decision that they had to help. We are currently fundraising to charter as many cargo planes as it takes to get these dogs stateside to receiving rescues all over the eastern United States.
In addition, BDRR is sending a spay and neuter van along with volunteer veterinarians to do mass sterilization to make a lasting impact. Education and sterilization will be the only way to end dog homeless and abuse on the island.