Since 2008, Big Dog Ranch Rescue has worked to save dogs. Together with people like you, we’ve saved the lives of countless homeless dogs and helped them find their forever homes. By making a gift to The Ranch through your will, trust or other financial plan, you can help save dogs now and well into the future.

The new CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act is designed to help you, businesses and nonprofits facing economic hardship during the coronavirus pandemic.
Here are a few key provisions of the CARES Act that may affect you and your charitable goals:
Experiencing financial issues?The following groups exist to assist people who truly want to keep their pets, but are experiencing financial difficulties. They may be able to help you: Red Rover Relief Grants Humane Society Angels 4 Animals IMOM A credit card company for health care: Care Credit Helps owners that need urgent veterinary care, emergency vet visits or expensive surgery: The Pet Fund Assistance for caretakers of disabled pets: HandicappedPets.com Pet Food stamps Aid for Struggling Owners: See Video
Do you have a new baby in the family?How lucky for you that most dogs are fantastic family pets! If you can take care of your new baby, you can take care of a dog. Some of our educational materials are listed below to help you ease the transition: Introduce Your Baby to a Resident Dog Safety Tips for Kids and Dog
Did you acquire them as a puppy from a breeder?If so, have you contacted that person? If he or she is reputable, you would have signed a contract at the time you purchased your puppy, stipulating that the dog should be returned if you decide to no longer keep them. Please contact your breeder first before contacting Big Dog Ranch Rescue.
Do you have a Strict HOA, Landlord or Property Owner & in need of an ESA?Registering your dog as an ESA (emotional support animal) will not only improve your mental health, but also, allows you to keep your dog if the HOA/landlord or property owner won't allow dogs because of breed, or size - even if they have a no pet policy! To learn more, contact Kerry Roesser at 561-469-9934 or visit www.emotionaltherapypet.com.
Did you acquire your dog from a Rescue Organization?If so, have you contacted that rescue organization? If they are reputable, you would have signed a contract at the time you adopted your dog, stipulating that the dog must be returned to them if you decide to no longer keep him or her for any reason.
Are you moving?There are plenty of apartments, townhouses, condos, and hotels that accept medium and large breeds of dog. Many places will even allow you to spread payment of your pet deposit over multiple months as part of your rent. Here are some examples of rentals that allow pets: People With Pets
Think you don’t have enough time for your dog?Experts in the animal field agree that a dog requires a mere 15 minutes of one-on-one time with their master per day to be happy, healthy, and well-adjusted! That time could be simply spent laying in bed at night watching TV together, playing ball in the backyard for 15 minutes while dinner is cooking, or going for a walk or jog! Surely you can spare 15 minutes per day. Pets reduce personal stress and can add years to your life – make the time for you AND your dog.
Are there behavioral issues with your dog?Is your dog having trouble getting along with other animals in the household or are there other behavioral issues that have led to the decision to give up your dog? If so, let us help you. Send an email to our trainers at training@bdrr.org – we can most likely recommend a trainer in your area. If you didn’t socialize your dog as a puppy, it’s never too late to enroll them in obedience school. It’s fun and can count as your 15 minutes of bonding time!
We are deeply grateful for your continued kindness and support during this difficult time. Please contact development at legacy@bdrr.org to discuss how your gift can help further our mission.

Leave a Gift In Your Will
When you incorporate charitable giving in your estate planning, you gain personal satisfaction — not only by completing your plan, but also by providing for the people and charities that matter most to you. The planned giving staff at Big Dog Ranch Rescue would love to talk to you about the many opportunities for charitable giving that can save the lives of dogs.
Even if you feel your estate is a simple one, it is advisable to seek professional legal advice when making your Will. They can advise on wording to ensure that your wishes are carried out exactly as you want them to be.

Bequest Language
Tax ID# 26-3184971
"I give to Big Dog Ranch Rescue, a Florida corporation with its principal offices at 935 Townhall Ave. Suite 1, Jupiter, FL, 33458, (the sum of $ ___ ) (all or ___ percent of my residual estate) to be used for its general purposes."
Big Dog Ranch Rescue is a 501(c)(3) registered nonprofit.
​If you’d like to work with our dedicated planned giving support team, please…